Custom-Made Murder Mystery Dinner Parties: The Ultimate Evening of Intrigue

Why you should consider a custom-made murder mystery dinner party.

There is simply nothing like a custom-made murder mystery dinner with friends, family, clients or colleagues. Imagine an evening where your dining room or favourite restaurant transforms into a scene straight out of a classic whodunit; where each guest is a character in a tantalizing tale of mystery and suspense, and dinner serves as the delicious backdrop to a thrilling plot. This is the allure of a custom murder mystery dinner party, the perfect blend of interactive entertainment and a sumptuous feast.

For those considering hosting a unique event that will have guests talking for years to come, here are some compelling advantages to commissioning a custom-made murder mystery dinner party.

1. A Custom-Made Murder Mystery Dinner Tailored to Your Tastes

A custom-made murder mystery dinner experience means that every aspect of the murder mystery is tailored to your preferences and interests. Whether you’re a fan of the roaring ’20s or prefer a case set in a futuristic sci-fi world, the story can be crafted to fit the theme that excites you most. This level of tailoring ensures that the experience will be truly unique and personalised for you and your guests.

You could even weave personal jokes into the setting of the game, or you could request that the theme be inspired by the location where you plan to host your custom-made murder mystery dinner party: a favourite eatery, a rented venue or even your own dining room.

2. Exclusive and Unique

While many people love our pre-packaged, downloadable Print-and-Play Murder Mystery Guide experiences, unlike off-the-shelf murder mystery kits, a custom-made party is a one-off creation. Because it is a brand new game, you won’t have to worry about spoilers or someone knowing the plot ahead of time, making for an unpredictable and genuinely engaging experience.

Even the most seasoned murder mystery dinner guest will have no idea how the evening will play out. Each character will be invented and inspired by each of your invited guests, which creates a lot of room to tease guests or play to their individual strengths.

Perhaps one of your guests is brilliant at doing accents, or maybe they have a particular hobby that could be woven into their character. Whatever your guests’ strengths and interests, a bespoke murder mystery creates room to increase each guests’ comfort level and to give them a character they will really enjoy playing.


3. Perfectly Sized for Your Party

Custom-made murder mystery dinner parties are best suited to group of eight to maximum 24 players. When you choose a bespoke murder mystery evening you will avoid having ‘spare’ characters, not enough guests for each role, even or having to make up a new character yourself to avoid leaving someone out.

Whether you have a select group of close friends or an entire company’s worth of colleagues, the number of characters and the story can be scaled to cover your ensemble. It is an ideal solution to creating a truly bespoke and special evening for friends, family, VIPs or staff.

4. Immersive Entertainment

With a story crafted just for you and your guests, and bespoke roles designed to fit, everyone can get into character and immerse themselves fully. Custom-made murder mystery dinner details can often include inside jokes and references, connecting the narrative to the real world in hilarious or poignant ways.

We recommend that smartphones be left in handbags and fully abandoned for the evening. After all, this is not entertainment during which guests’ attention should be divided! With a custom murder mystery dinner party, what you put in is what you get out, so encourage your guests to go ‘all in’ on the night. 


5. Engages All Types of Personalities

Custom-made murder mystery dinner parties inherently offer various levels of engagement, allowing for both the outgoing and the demure to participate at their comfort level. This ensures that all of your guests can enjoy the evening at their pace. Murder Mystery Guide experiences don’t require anyone to contribute more than they are comfortable to.

With zero scripts, each game is 90% improvised. All guests have to do is remember their character and reveal their secret about another character, then respond when their dirty secret is revealed. While most people think introverts would be too shy to enjoy a custom-made murder mystery dinner, introverts are often the ones who steal the show.

Even the quietest person can surprise other guests by coming out of their shell and dazzling the room with their humour and quick wittedness. On the other hand it is always best to have a mix of introverts and extroverts at your custom-made murder mystery dinner party.

GET A QUOTE for your bespoke murder mystery dinner today and delight your guests.

6. Sparks Conversation and Camaraderie

The interactive nature of a murder mystery dinner promotes conversation and can function as an icebreaker for groups that may not know each other well. If you have a lot of gatherings and social time with the same friends and family members, you most likely have had very similar conversations, repeatedly.

A custom-made murder mystery dinner party is a brilliant way to have fresh, new and exciting conversations with people you know well. Solving a puzzle together is also an excellent way to establish a sense of camaraderie among guests – even amongst those that do not know one another.

7. A Complete Evening Experience

From the moment guests arrive, they’re part of the action. Between the anticipation, the game itself, and discussing theories over dinner, and dissecting the custom-made murder mystery dinner once the game is finished, there’s no downtime – the entire evening becomes the entertainment. Forget about hiring entertainment – YOU are the show.


8. Photo Opportunities Galore

With guests dressed up in character and a themed setting, the photo opportunities are plentiful. You may want to explore hiring a decor company to dress the dinner table, or even transform the setting according to your murder mystery theme.

These moments can serve as fun souvenirs that capture the excitement and dress-up aspect of the event. It is recommended that you hire a professional photographer, which will free you and your guests to focus on soaking up all the fun of the evening, without any distractions. 

9. Enjoyable for Almost All Ages

A custom-made murder mystery can be crafted to be family-friendly (within reason – a fictional character has been murdered, after all!) or tailored to a specific age group, ensuring that everyone from teenagers to seniors can be engaged and entertained.

While it won’t be suitable for young children – and it will probably run past their bedtimes – teenagers may be able to cope with the adult themes. Parents should use their discretion to decide if their children are ready to enjoy this type of entertainment. 


10. The Host Plays Along

One of the best parts about a custom-made event is that even the host can also be part of the game. There is even room for the host to be surprised by who the murderer is, too! By leaving some details in the hands of the creator (or the facilitator, if you’ve hired one), the host can fully participate without knowing how the story unfolds.

If you would prefer to know about every aspect of the game, however, all you need to do is read through all the Clue Cards and you will discover, ahead of time, who the murderer is.

If you cannot bring a professional host into your custom-made murder mystery dinner party, then Murder Mystery Guide offers the option to receive live, video training so that you can learn how to host your bespoke game. The training is also helpful in understanding the structure of the game and what to expect. It can also help you orient guests when they come to you with questions about how the game works.





In conclusion, if you want an event that delivers memorable moments, laughter, and a dash of drama, then a custom-made murder mystery dinner party from The Murder Mystery Guide is a sterling choice.

It is a bespoke experience that marries the joy of live theatre with the delight of fine (or casual) dining, leaving your guests with an appetite for more. It’s the perfect ice breaker for groups who don’t know one another and it’s a brilliant way to have brand new conversations with family or friends you’ve known forever. No matter who you play with, you’re guaranteed to have a memorable evening filled with lots of laughter!

Commission a custom-made murder mystery dinner today, and step into a world where every friend is a suspect, and every course could bring you closer to catching a killer.


GET A QUOTE for your bespoke murder mystery dinner today and delight your guests.

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