Tag Archives: dinner party host

What it’s Like to Host a Murder Mystery Dinner Party

Host a murder mystery dinner party, they said. Murder mystery dinner parties usually need an organiser or host to make them happen, unless you are joining a singles party. Here’s a little insight into what goes into hosting a Murder Mystery Guide Experience so you know what to expect come your turn! Together with legendary […]

Using the Enneagram to Write Murder Mystery Characters

It’s helpful understanding personality types when it comes to crafting murder mystery characters around real people. The Enneagram is one of my favourite personality profiling tools to do just that. The Enneagram is an archetypal framework that helps people discover the positives and negatives of their personalities, empowering them to better manage their work, relationships […]

5 Tips to Boost Your Charisma

Charisma is that elusive quality that makes us more attractive and inspires action or even devotion in others.  That’s pretty powerful, right?  Especially when we need to lead a group of people, champion a cause or host a memorable event.  Boost your charisma with these 5 things that naturally charismatic people do. Embrace Your Imperfections […]

5 Reasons to Host A Murder Mystery Dinner

Murder mystery parties are arguably the best way to combine friends, food and fun. Here’s why you should host a murder mystery dinner. 1.    Host a murder mystery dinner: Save your social life So often when we’re sitting home alone, watching Friends reruns and crying into a tub of ice cream, we convince ourselves that […]

How to become a better dinner party host

“The Dinner Party is Dead”.  That’s the gut-wrenching headline that was once splashed across The New York Times.  But here’s what it should have said:  “The Dinner Party has Chilled Out”. We share our four top dinner party hosting tips below. While very few people list sterling silver and fine china on their wedding registries […]