How to Write a Murder Mystery Party

Learning how to write a murder mystery party can kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand it’s a fun night in and on the other it can help you jump-start your social life. While it’s natural for our social lives to ebb and flow – some months they’re action-packed and other months […]

5 Tips to Boost Your Charisma

Charisma is that elusive quality that makes us more attractive and inspires action or even devotion in others.  That’s pretty powerful, right?  Especially when we need to lead a group of people, champion a cause or host a memorable event.  Boost your charisma with these 5 things that naturally charismatic people do. Embrace Your Imperfections […]

Why Greg Kriek Would Do This Again

Hollywood actor, Greg Kriek, shares why he loved his first-time DIY murder mystery dinner experience and why he is definitely going to do this again. Greg had zero previous experience with murder mystery dinner parties, but he was up for the adventure. (Don’t worry, you don’t have to know how to act to love your own murder […]

Why Grownups Need to Play, Too

The benefits of play for adults are underrated. Do you remember the last time someone flirted with you?  Or that time when your friend teased you with a twinkle in their eye?  Or how about the last time you swung your little niece until she was dizzy and giggling, or you saw a movie that […]

5 Reasons to Host A Murder Mystery Dinner

Murder mystery parties are arguably the best way to combine friends, food and fun. Here’s why you should host a murder mystery dinner. 1.    Host a murder mystery dinner: Save your social life So often when we’re sitting home alone, watching Friends reruns and crying into a tub of ice cream, we convince ourselves that […]

How to become a better dinner party host

“The Dinner Party is Dead”.  That’s the gut-wrenching headline that was once splashed across The New York Times.  But here’s what it should have said:  “The Dinner Party has Chilled Out”. We share our four top dinner party hosting tips below. While very few people list sterling silver and fine china on their wedding registries […]

Photos from our flagship murder mystery game

Take a look at murder mystery dinner pictures from our flagship Print-and-Play game, The Morgenrood Murder Mystery! Inspired by my historic childhood home, this game was such fun to put together. I gathered a bunch of people who didn’t know all the other guests and it became a very surreal – and unintentional – team […]