5 Reasons to Host a Murder Mystery Dinner for Your Company This Christmas

Tired of the same old boring end-of-year functions at work? If you’re part of a smaller company, take charge of your team building activities for work and make your Christmas party a murder mystery dinner party instead!

If you’re a white-collar stooge you can probably truthfully say, “If you’ve been to one office Christmas party, you’ve been to them all”.  The average company year-end function is either a dead-boring, stuffy Christmas luncheon at 2019’s most popular restaurant. Or it’s a booze-dominated evening affair where you meet the drunk versions of your boss and colleagues – a sight you can never unsee.

Here are 5 awesome reasons you should mix things up and host a murder mystery dinner party for your colleagues and bosses, this December.

1.  Role Reversal

A murder mystery dinner party is one of the best ways to turn your office dynamics on their head.  Employees can enjoy over-the-top fictitious positions of power for the night. And bosses can let off steam as comical characters and lowly skivvies.  What’s not to love? Just make sure you do not cross any boundaries that you will regret or that your boss or colleagues will not forgive or forget…

team building activities for work

2.  Playtime

Just like the best dates, the best team building exercises are fun and playful. According to psychiatrist and founder of the National Institute for Play based in California, Dr Stuart Brown, the opposite of playing is actually depression. 

Sometimes we get so serious and bored in our work environments that work can become a depressing place to be.  A murder mystery dinner party is one of the best ways to introduce a spirit of playfulness to your company. That playfulness could even spill over to your work environment! And a playful brain is a more productive and creative brain.

Get a quote for a bespoke murder mystery dinner party for your office and become known as the go-to team building activities for work guy or gal.

3.   Unique Memories

Our Murder Mystery Guide Experiences are largely unscripted and therefore mostly improvised. That means, if you choose us for your team building activities for work, you’ll never attend the same game twice

Each guest brings their own unique flavour to the character they play, which helps to create new in-jokes and hilarious dynamics that you’ll still be laughing about in the office, come Monday. Heck, you will still be laughing about these types of team building activities for work the following year!

If you want to up the ante, be sure to hire a professional photographer to capture the evening’s merriment and invest in a good decorator to take the evening to the next level. Team building activities for work can really bring the group together and they are a great way to connect with new team members, too. Is there a better way to set the tone with the newbies that by delivering an all-fun social?

4.  Good, Clean, Fun Team Building Activities for Work

If you’re not a fan of getting drunk, or seeing your colleagues and managers pie-eyed, a murder mystery dinner is something that appeals to almost everyone. Even the office introverts can enjoy a murder mystery dinner party, given enough warning and inspiration.

The fact that guests need to have their wits about them for the full duration of the game automatically encourages guests to be clear-headed and to engage intelligently with one another – in character, of course!

Get a quote for a custom-made murder mystery dinner party, made especially for you and your team.

Team building activities for work that are highly accessible for most people are out there – you can be the genius who introduces a light-hearted murder mystery dinner party to your boss and your colleagues. When it goes well, they will all remember that you were the genius behind it.

5.  Fresh Connections

We tend to stick to our comfort zones at work. That usually means talking to the same old people on a day-to-day basis.  A murder mystery dinner will give your colleagues a great reason to break out of their comfort zones and talk to people outside of their circles.

That guy in accounts that you have never made eye contact with? That girl you just have nothing to say to? Murder mystery dinner parties are the team building activities for work that have the power to shift many unwanted social dynamics. You might even be surprised by the new connections that form as a result…

Now that you’ve gotten to the end of these 5 awesome reasons to host a murder mystery dinner, are you convinced?  Either way, a murder mystery dinner is one of the great team building activities for work that reminds everyone that they are more than just their jobs. It also reminds us all that we can be fun and do a good job, too.

Now isn’t that a great Christmas gift?

Design Your Dinner with us and blow your boss’s mind! Or if budget is a consideration, take a look at our Print-and-Play games and organise and host a murder mystery dinner party yourself. If you have time and creative energy on your side, you might even consider downloading our Murder Mystery Guide ebook that teaches you everything you need to know about writing and hosting your own unique murder mystery dinner party.

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